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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Jam & Lewis Update...JAM REPLIES!!!!
Date: 2001/09/16 17:03:04

Hi everyone,

Jimmy Jam (of Jam & Lewis) recently made a pass through the message board on his
Web Site and answered all of the recent posts...including mine on Seiko:

"I'm sorry I haven't really heard either artist before, although I know their names. I'll make sure I pick up some music by them."

The "either artist" reference is the result of someone who replied to my
message and supported my request, also mentioning another J-star they'd like
to see the duo work with.

I posted another message thanking him for the reply, telling him that "Can't
Say Goodbye" was the song that made me think of Jam & Lewis, and I offered to
send him a copy of "Forever." If he replies again, I will.

Folks, Jam and Lewis are two of the most talented musicians / songwriters /
producers in the WORLD. If they collaborated with Seiko, it would be MAGIC.

Dream big, dream always. Fight and believe.

Best regards,
