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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Jam & Lewis Update...JAM REPLIES!!!!
Date: 2001/09/17 02:16:28
Reference: msg/02046

Hi Siu Bee,

Thank you! I bought the DVD at Tower Records. It's also on

There's another scene right after the one I posted. It's very funny, with Seiko
meeting setting up a meeting between "Bob" (the guy she's talking to on the
phone) and the bad guys (the guy in bed in the first clip and his buddies).
She really plays the soft-spoken, sexy "bad girl" well. I don't know what 
others think, but I thought she was VERY "kawaii" in this film. She's very
sweetly and softly saying "Oh, Bob, where WERE you last night? I was SO
worried about you," and she's pulling him right into the middle of the "bad
guys" at the same time. It looks like she let herself relax and have fun with
this one...she was very stiff and reserved in "Sweet Evil / Surrograte Mother,"
but a lot of that had to do with the role she played. The short scene that 
follows the one I posted is even better...Seiko at a meeting between Bob and
the bad guys. It will be on SMF III soon. 

I bought this yesterday, brought it home, searched for the first Seiko scene I
could find, and made the clip. I haven't seen the whole movie yet so I don't
know how much screen time she has, but my impression was that this is a movie
that EVERY Seiko fan is going to want to buy. "" sells it for only
$16.99 (US dollars). Here is their listing:

Stay tuned to SMF III and SMF: The Remix (where I posted still photos from the
scene) for more "Partners."

By the DVD player is "USA Encoding Only" so I still cannot watch the
Seiko Suite DVD...:-(

Best regards,


Date:9/16/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear Mike and all friends,
>This would be great news to us if this will really come true!  Hope the magic will happen soon!
>Best regards,
>Siu Bee
>p.s. The SMF theatre is great!  Where did you buy "Partners"?
>>Folks, Jam and Lewis are two of the most talented musicians / songwriters /
>>producers in the WORLD. If they collaborated with Seiko, it would be MAGIC.
>>Dream big, dream always. Fight and believe.
>>Best regards,