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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Region Code & Help with "Partners"
Date: 2001/09/21 17:19:42
Reference: msg/02052

Hi Simon,

"Partners" is a USA movie. Here is the "" link:

It was released 1999, has no other title that I'm aware of, and stars Casper
Van Dien, Vanessa Angel, Sieko, and Jennifer Lewis. It was directed and
produced by Joey Travolta. In the US, brothers of famous people are generally
looked upon as a joke (an exception being the Baldwin brothers, I guess).

It is also available at ""...

Here is the description from the back of the DVD:

"After hijacking a top secret computer program from his office, Bob hits the
road planning to sell it to the highest bidder. But a street-smart drifter
changes his plans when he steals the program and plots his own big payday.
Unfortunately, both Bob and the drifter discover that they need each other to
close the deal - only, who's gonna double-cross who first. Throw in a
gorgeous detective, an untrustworthy girlfriend mixed up with a whole lot of 
action, and you're in for the ride of your life. It's anyone's guess who'll
come out the winner...with a payoff this big, everyone plays dirty."

I'm going to leave the first clip on SMF III until I'm sure that everyone has
had the chance to enjoy it and will then post the scene that happens right after it,
in which Seiko lures Bob into a meeting with the bad guys. In the scene 
she is a bad, bad girl hiding behind the sweet, soft-spoken facade of a good
girl. At the end of the clip, after she has been sweet-talking Bob, she points
to the bad guys over her shoulder and says "you'll have to talk to THEM." All
of the sweet goes away and she is BAD, BAD, B-A-D. It's a magic moment. The
camera fades out on Seiko and fades in on the bad guys, but right before the
fade she sort of tosses her hair and does a little sneer...

In a completely different way it's like the "Anata GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
moment in "Angel." I just looked at that very brief moment of film and said
"WOW." It's a "blink and you'll miss it" moment, but since I will be posting
it on SMF III, NO ONE will miss it...:-)

If you buy the movie, your only complaint will be "there should be more Seiko,"
and...of will be right. But that's the way it goes. The movie is
proof of that old cliche...Seiko is not getting older, she's getting better...

Note to Seiko: in the future, PLAY MORE BAD GIRLS....:-)

Best regards,


Date:9/21/1998. Simon 's message 

>Hi Benjamin and Mike and All
>First of all, Benjamin, North American is Region 1,
>Japan is region 2. Most Seiko DVds are code 1-2-3:
>Live Vanity Fair, 97 My Story Live,Forever Live 98,
>Seiko 96-98, Video the Love
>You can play these anywhere, but 20th Party is code 2
>and can only be played on Japanese machine or machines
>that have been modified to disable the coding system.
>You can buy these "All code" DVD machines anywhere in
>HK, you should have no problem Benjamin. But beware as
>the Zepp tour DVD states code 2 on the back, but it can
>be played on North American machines as well. Confused!
>Now, I need your help, I cannot find this movie "Partners"
>It is a North American movie, when was it released?
>Is there another name for this movie? Is it on DVD?
>Which other movie stars are in it, I have been looking for
>2 days straight? Mike you have the captures from this movie,
>can you help me?
>Thanks- Simon