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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: More "Partners"
Date: 2001/10/01 01:38:10
Reference: msg/02061

Hi Siu Bee and all,

Yes, she definitely looks beautiful throughout this entire movie. I will be posting more "Partners" but will not post the ending (because I don't want to spoil it for anyone). The more I watch it, the more I am convinced that it is a movie that every Seiko fan should own. It is not a "great" movie (maybe not even a "good" one)...Bob runs off with a stolen computer program, and everyone...including Seiko...wants it. BUT... you see a lot of Seiko, she is very beautiful here, she plays a wide range of emotions and really emerges as the star of the movie (she receives third billing). It is proof that she 
doesn't need to play a "supporting" role such as someone's wife or any "typical"
roles that are usually assigned to women. In "Partners," Seiko cares about one
thing only...Seiko...and boy, does she look like she had fun making this movie.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Best regards,


Date:9/30/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear Mike,
>Hey....immediately!  She looks sooooooooooo beautiful (and I like her
>suit ^_^)
>Siu Bee
>Date:9/30/1998. Mike from S.C. 's message 
>>Hi everyone,
>>Two words:
>>"Seiko Theatre."
>>Best regards,