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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: More "Partners"
Date: 2001/10/02 05:55:25
Reference: msg/02065

Hi Koji and all,

Are you absolutely sure that Seiko's voice was overdubbed? I've heard her in
other English language productions (Sweet Evil and Big Easy) and it sounds like
Seiko to me. Also, even in the best overdubs you can see that the actor /
actress's lips aren't completely synched with the words...I went back and 
watched the clip on "Seiko Theatre" and can't see any irregularities. If they
did, I don't understand why either...while Seiko still has an accent and will
occasionally struggle with the pronounciation of certain (but very few) words,
her English (as evidenced in "Sweet Evil") is very, very good. Plus, the 
accent should not have been an issue in "Partners" as she is an Asian bad girl
involved with a lot of Asian bad would EXPECT an accent, right?

I also can't imagine Joey Travolta being a "perfectionist"...I'm sure the
motto when they were making this movie was "do it fast, do it cheap." 

Regarding the Gedo DVD, I would try Kinokuniya or Mikado Laser Japan, both in
San Francisco. They will both do special orders for you. If they can't get it,
it's probably not going to be available elsewhere. Kinokuniya is especially
good...for items such as Seiko Suite and Guardian Angel, they were told
repeatedly by their distributor that these items were out of print. They kept
re-submitting the request until they were able to get both reason
why I recommend them so often.

Best regards,


Date:10/2/1998. koji 's message 

>Can I say one thing?  I bought "Partners", but I was so disapointed
>because Seiko's voice was overdabbed by someone else.  
>Why did they have to do that???
>I have a question.  I live in San Francisco.  Where can I buy "GEDO" DVD
>or Video?  I looked for it when I was in Japan in June, but it was no
>longer avaiable. :(
>Date:10/1/1998. Mike from S.C. 's message 
>>Hi Benjamin and all,
>>I've not seen Fatal Blade yet. "Partners" is not a great movie...the acting is
>>not great, the story is not great. It is hard to say what people will like and
>>what they will not like, because everyone's taste is different. There might be
>>some people who will watch it and say that they really enjoyed it, but my own
>>personal feeling is that it is a movie to watch because of Seiko, not because 
>>it is a great movie. Seiko just is great in it and that alone makes it worth 
>>the time it takes to watch. If you look at the clips in "Seiko Theatre," what
>>you see is what you get...the movie is not better or worse than each of these
>>30-second clips, and they are very representative of the movie as a whole.
>>For trivia fans, the chief "bad guy"...the one who was in bed with Seiko in
>>the first "Seiko Theatre" clip on the same actor who played the chief
>>bad guy in "The Karate Kid Part II," one of my favorite movies of all time
>>(largely due to the presence of the incredibly beautiful Tamlyn Tomita)...:-)
>>Best regards,
>>Date:10/1/1998. Benjamin 's message 
>>>Dear All,
>>>Yes, I will buy it eventually.  I may visit Canada this xmas
>>>or ask my friend to order thru. the web in the US for me.
>>>Mike, have you watched Fatal Blade?  The plot is
>>>not good.  I watch it because of Seiko.  I do hope
>>>'Partners' is better.