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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: One more thought...
Date: 2001/10/03 05:43:18

Hi all, 

The fact that there is a "Voice Double" listed for Seiko does not necessarily
imply that this actress did ALL of Seiko's dialogue...

The term "Body Double" is used for a "stand-in"...actors / actresses who "fill
in" for the main stars who do not want to do certain scenes because they are
dangerous (or contain nudity).

SO...maybe the reason Seiko's mouth so closely matches the words she's speaking
is that she speaks some, but not all, of her dialogue. This could be for any
number of reasons...maybe she filmed all of her scenes, went back to Japan, and
they re-wrote some of the script. If she wasn't available to re-record certain
lines, a stand-in would be needed. 

The voice is just SO close to the Seiko in "Sweet Evil" that I can't imagine
the logic behind finding an actress who could sound EXACTLY like Seiko, 
including the "almost perfect" English. 

"Partners" is probably a direct-to-video release...I doubt that it ever played
in movie theaters, and as such, you probably won't find a lot of background 

We will probably never know the whole story...:-(

Best regards,
