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Name: Yaji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: LOVE&EMOTION LIVE 2001 re-lived
Date: 2001/10/10 03:29:25
Reference: msg/02081

Hi Tzing and all,

Seiko's new Live Video "Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2001 LOVE&EMOTION"(DVD/VHS)
will be released on November 28...

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo

Date:10/10/1998. Tzing 's message 

>Dear all,
>We had a long weekend Sat-Mon holiday. Seiko's 2001 Live was shown over cablevision
>on Sun evening and Monday afternoon. A fan who had access to cable recorded it on tape on Sunday,
>another who lived near our Monday gathering volunteered to carry the video deck in the train,
>in the rain to our meeting place on Monday. The venue was a karaoke room, time 2-7pm. 
>We were ready to have our ears blasted, to relive the moment of the year of 2001. 
>The karaoke place was most ideal as hardly it is easy to find a home that can contain several people,
>we need not have to worry about blasting the speakers nor feel odd about bringing 
>our Seiko paper fans and poster decorations on walls... :P
>The live recording was super. It captured almost exactly what I saw, what was experienced. 
>(But remember, even though this recording is so good and I won't blame you if 
>that you might even think that you had actually tasted a little of the actual 
>ambience, ah... let me tell you again, multiply it many times over.) 
>If I have to pin a live video (and I know I have said many times that the 1995 Live,
>the 1998 Live were two of the greatest hallmarks of Seiko's career) that accurately showd
>everything that I have described before about her live shows, and this year's performance,
>this is IT!. Honestly, this is one live that should go down in history. Not Seiko history, 
>Japanese history, .... whatever, ok music history. Who could have thought in 1980 
>that this 18year old idol from down South of Japan, a small city in Fukuoka could come so far,
>so good. That even after the super-hit in 1996 that this day this performance
>could come for those who are lucky to know it and have a taste of it.
>Definitely, you wont think twice about buying it for a friend, about showing it to anyone 
>(and I mean from START TO END), about telling anyone that this is the person, 
>the voice, the aura, the being, the magic that has bought you and me and 
>everyone together, and the special Seiko Breed. :)
>This is it. 
>This live is THE live
>(for reasons I will not repeat. you have to go back to my previous postings 8/3. 8/6)
>If you have been thinking of coming to JAPAN for a show, and hadn't.
>If you have been hestitant about which Live video to buy, to rent...
>This is the ONE. No questions about it. 
>Get the original DVD version of course. 
>Most of it was taken on the final day. Except for the final song and MC. (you will know why)
>Bonus tracks and scenes include SAYAKA's CM song, Pineapple Island & Pink Scooter blunders. 
>My only hope is that "Glass Ringo" which she sang so beautifully in acapella be included. 
>The impromtu lightings to match was superb.
>This one really cannot get any better. And will stay a very special gem.
>As it is with FUN tv appearance, Zepp Tour, "Sakura no Sono", "Sweet Memories".
>Forget about the fact that perhaps Harada-san should have stayed in the background a little more,
>that his style has some creative limitations, and way too much background vocal'intrusions',whatever, .... 
>It is a great live, I am sure many of you out there have also been waiting for
>years for this kind of Seiko Live and Seiko to come. You got to see for yourself
>and you will know what I am talking about.
>I definitely need to strike lottery before the 11/28 to get that big screen tv. 
>No 14" TV can ever do justice.... :(