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Name: Yaji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's TV commercial "Doctor Devias"
Date: 2001/10/10 20:12:39
Reference: msg/02085

Hello again,

I just remember another TV Commercial of Seiko,
Cosmetics "Doctor Devias"...

Now, on the HP cover and the "What's New!?" page,
you can see some pictures of Seiko...
Especially the making photo of Seiko on location in Hawaii, 
there she sings her song "Ave Maria 2001" on the TV commercial...

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo

Date:10/10/1998. Yaji 's message 

>Hello everyone,
>You can see Seiko's latest TV commercial "Charmy V"...(^^)v
>Yaji from F.B.Tokyo