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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Hoping for another Zepp Tour
Date: 2001/10/14 20:46:21

Hi Willie,
Unfortunately, according to the url given by Yaji-san, the DVD is for region 2 only.
Last year, I found a budget priced DVD player by Marantz that plays all regions in JP.
It wasn't expensive at all, in fact was about the same price or lower than all
other for "region 2 only" players.

I was just watching the Zepp DVD again this afternoon.
I have to admit that Seiko's vocals on that day was a little off her usual level.
I thought she seemed like she was held back by a very bad throat. 

With the way she is singing now, I am hoping that Seiko would also do a Zepp Tour
again next year. 

Another of such Zepp Tour Live DVD would leave remarkable memorial monument 
for all fans, and lovers of "Seiko Lives + 2001 Seiko". 

(aka Tzing)