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Name: Willie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Hoping for another Zepp Tour
Date: 2001/10/16 07:07:04
Reference: msg/02090

Hi Shopgirl and all,

I will have to get another DVD player that plays all regional codes.
We have a few stores in South Florida that carry karaoke machines and
imported DVD players. I will be able to find one if I'm lucky.

I didn't notice a different in Seiko's voice in the Zepp video. I'd 
better check my tape. Take care, Tzing!


Date:10/14/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>Hi Willie,
>Unfortunately, according to the url given by Yaji-san, the DVD is for region 2 only.
>Last year, I found a budget priced DVD player by Marantz that plays all regions in JP.
>It wasn't expensive at all, in fact was about the same price or lower than all
>other for "region 2 only" players.
>I was just watching the Zepp DVD again this afternoon.
>I have to admit that Seiko's vocals on that day was a little off her usual level.
>I thought she seemed like she was held back by a very bad throat. 
>With the way she is singing now, I am hoping that Seiko would also do a Zepp Tour
>again next year. 
>Another of such Zepp Tour Live DVD would leave remarkable memorial monument 
>for all fans, and lovers of "Seiko Lives + 2001 Seiko". 
>(aka Tzing)