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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Goya is still so good....
Date: 2001/10/23 05:24:07
Reference: msg/02103

Mike, Benjamin et all,
Goya was definitely worth purchasing while it was still around.  I only
have a copy of it on MD and hope to one day get the original CD (Japanese version)

As for Love & Emotion Vol.2,...I would really hope that some of her 'better' 
songs are on that album as I was slightly disappointed by the lack of
creativity on vol.1,...especially with a title like 'Love & Emotion' you would
have expected something a little more 'mature' sounding.  The only songs that
really jump out at me and say something are 'Woman' and the last track from
the HK version of the CD that isn't even a Seiko track.  And hey, what's with
the washed out 'country' look???...I really hope this isn't an attempt to break
into the Shania Twain market...eeeeegad those pics were horrible and did not
prove to show anything remotely close to the title of the album. :(

As for Shinji,.... he was pretty good with 'Sound of Fire', but he's gotta go.
When I was listening to the Love & Emotion track, I could predict everything
that he was going to sing,..really annoying.  Plus, I don't like the way he 
tries to steal the show away from Seiko...that's really annoying too.

However, I'm sure the songs on vol.1 are better with concert visuals.  :)