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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's new single!!
Date: 2001/10/23 23:05:51
Reference: msg/02105

Hi Yaji and all,

Thank you for the link to the new single photo!

It's obvious that it's from the same photo shoot that produced the L&E1
pictures...same colors, same hair, same makeup, etc. 

Doogie, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope that there are no more
"cowgirl" photos....:-)

It's funny...if I took a quick look at this photo I would not know it was 
Seiko. Her "trademark feature"...her eyes...look completely different here. It
will be interesting to see what the rest of you think. I think I'd rather have
her "look like Seiko"...:-(

Best regards,


Date:10/23/1998. Yaji 's message 

>Hello everyone,
>You can see Seiko's new photo of her single
>"Ai-Ai-Ai 100% Pure Love"(C/W "Ding Dong")...(^^)v
>Yaji from F.B.Tokyo