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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's new photo of the "LOVE&EMOTION VOL.2"!!
Date: 2001/11/10 13:15:27
Reference: msg/02127

Hi Yaji and all,

Thank you for the link to the L&E2 photo. It doesn't look like will
be interesting to see what the rest of the pics look like.

I'll be going to Kinokuniya this weekend and giving them the list for the 
single, L&E2, and the video so that they can call me when they arrive. As soon
as I get them you can look forward to seeing them on SMF: The Remix and
SMF Phase III.

Getting some new "Seiko stuff" will be a nice way to end the year...I just 
realized today that January will bring the 3 year anniversary of SMF. I hope 
that everyone has a wonderful, happy and safe holiday season and that you all
enjoy Seiko's new music and videos.

Best regards,


Date:11/10/1998. Yaji 's message 

>Hello everyone,
>You can see Seiko's photo of her new album "LOVE&EMOTION VOL.2"...
>Yaji from F.B.Tokyo