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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Create your own CD
Date: 2001/11/20 01:39:07
Reference: msg/02143

Hey Sai Mui,
That's one of my favorites!

Date:11/18/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Hey Doogie Dai Lo,
>At least, you have one MD with "Summer Eyes" (B side of Unseasonable Shore)
>Siu Bee
>>For those of you lucky enough to have a 100 CD stacker,
>>let the music begin!
>>For me, creating a 'favorite' CD or MD is quite an impossible task as
>>there is just so much to choose from.
>>But for starters,...and if this is supposed to be an X-mas MD/CD,
>>then I'll have to say that I'd definitely include the 2 songs by Richard
>>Carpenter (from the LOVE album) and as well Seiko's X-mas song that was 
>>played repeatedly at one of Tokyo's largest department stores last year.
>>Cool,...  I'll see what that dept. store is going to play this year.  :)