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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Ai Ai Ai 100% Pure Love ~ Peview
Date: 2001/11/25 16:30:53

Dear SeikoFan,

I opened the CD Singles with disappoinment. 
The recording company (Universal Music) made some typo error in
song 2 "Ding Dong". This is not the fist time they make such a mistake.
The last time is on album "Enternal Mind"
It is so unprofessional.

hakyu%pure love ai ai ai - Personally i dun really like this song.
I dun think there is any meaning in the lyric. Too noisy too.

Ding Dong - Christmas song sounds better. Very Romantic

I hope the Album will be equally good as Vol.1
Pls comment. Thanks (^ ^)

Rgds / Tim