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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko In "Drop Dead Gorgeous"
Date: 2001/11/30 05:55:53

Hi everyone,

While I write this I'm taping the movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous." Seiko appears at
(approximately) the 15-minute mark of the movie, and I'm not sure yet if she's
seen again (I'll let you know later).
It's a comedy about competeitive 17-year olds in a beauty pageant. One girl
(a Caucasian) is the adopted daughter of Japanese parents. They are being
interviewed about her participating in the pageant. Seiko enters the room (I
believe she is supposed to be the girl's sister) and starts speaking in
Japanese. The father yells "SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!" Her total screen time is about
15 seconds, but hopefully she shows up again.
Once I've had a chance to see the whole movie I'll try to pull some video
captures for SMF.

Best regards,
