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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: LE2 Arrives Today, Video Later
Date: 2001/12/02 07:57:29

Hi Everyone,

Kinokuniya called today and said that Love & Emotion Volume 2 arrived. I'll pick
it up tomorrow morning and by the end of the day tomorrow will post pics from it
on SMF: The Remix and SMF Phase III.

The video, unfortunately, did not come in and I'll have to do a special order.
This takes 1-2 weeks for items they can obtain easily.

A final word on "Drop Dead Gorgeous"...Seiko appears a total of three times. The
third time is also very, very short...five or ten seconds. I won't spoil the
movie for anyone who wants to see it, but something explodes and Seiko comes
running out of the building. You see a close-up of her in shock for about five
seconds, no dialogue. Despite the fact that it is a major disappointment for
Seiko fans hoping to see her in a larger role, I enjoyed the film a lot and
have watched it several times. It's sort of dark, satiric humor...a funny look
at what goes on behind the "fairy tale" of beauty pageants. Just don't buy or
rent it looking for more than 30 seconds of Seiko. A reminder: it's on the 
WAM! channel (part of Starz / Encore, not Showtime as I previously posted)
three different times on December 7th.

Best regards,
