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Name: Shopgirl
Subject: Re: New Release
Date: 2002/03/31 17:24:02
Reference: msg/02364
thanks for the info.
The price difference is due to the additional special Promotion Video (in DVD
format) of the theme song fora TV news program. This TV program runs from 5.30am
to 8am every weekday mornings. The first run starts tomorrow so you can imagine
all the Seiko fans getting up with the video deck set to catch the first
hearing of the song.
Last week, the TV news program (Fuji station) had a short interivew with Seiko
on this topic. The lyrics is written by Seiko, the theme is on freshess of a new
day morning, something like that.
(.... hmm.... actually most of us are more concerned about whom the writer and
the back chorus would be... :p)
Also on the latest. Seiko spots a new short big curled perm in the new album.
(not a wig too, by the way)
Date:3/31/1998. Benjamin 's message
>New Cd release date is 19/6/02. It will contain
>TV theme song. The first press edition is
>Yen 3,143 rather than the usual Yen 2,913.