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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko guest appearance on "King Of The Hill"
Date: 2002/05/14 03:35:31
Reference: msg/02413

Thanks for the update.....  as my boss would say "Wonders never cease!"

Now, picture this,...  YOU go to Japan and decide to try one of those dancing machines.  A girl with sunglasses walks up to you and asks if she can join in.  She takes off her sunglasses and you notice that it is Seiko!  I doubt anyone would be able to keep on dancing as their knees would be like jelly...hee hee.

If you managae to get a copy of the show on VHS please let me know.

See ya later!

Date:5/13/1998. Mike from S.C. 's message 

>Hi everyone,
>I watched the one-hour season finale of the animated series "King Of The Hill"
>tonight, and I was shocked when I saw this in the closing credits:
>"Guest Voice, Part Two: Seiko Matsuda"
>The main characters ("the Hill family") go to Japan in this episode. There is
>a sub-plot that involved their son Bobby (who is grade-school aged). He is
>walking down the street and finds a "dance vending machine." There are pads on
>the sidewalk with arrows on them, representing a step forward, bbackward, to
>the right, and to the left. There is a monitor you can watch while steppping on
>them and animated dancing figures are shown on a big screen overhead dancing
>in time to the steps made on the pads. He puts his money in the machine,
>starts dancing by himself, and looks to the side. There is a Japanese 
>school girl his age watching. She looks at him and says "DANSU!" Then she jumps
>on the pads and dances with him.
>The school girl is SEIKO. I didn't realize this until the show was over and 
>saw the credits.
>He goes back the next day, there she is again, waiting for him. She sees him
>and says "DANSU!" She puts money in the machine and they start dancing.
>The song that is playing the second time they dance is "KIMONO BEAT!"
>She giggles after they dance and she drags him off to a photo booth. He tells
>her "OK, this is how we're going to pose" but while he's talking she giggles
>and kisses him on the cheek. He says "I have to go, but I'll meet you back 
>here at 6:30." She says "DANSU!" and he says "Not right now...oh, you mean 
>later...yes, we'll pick up where we left off!"
>It is 6:25 and he's getting ready to go meet her, but his mother decides that
>he has to go with here to see the sights of Japan. The girl is waiting at the
>dance machine, and her Pikachu watch starts singing "It is 6:30." She looks
>very sad and decides he is not coming. A Japanese school boy sees her and says
>"Dansu?" He replies in a very low and sad voice "dansu..." and dances with him.
>The family is driving in the car and Bobby's grandfather finds out what has
>happened. He tells him that he MUST say goodbye to her or it will haunt him for
>the rest of his life. They stop the car, he walks up to the dance machine and
>he is there. She sees him, gets a big smile, starts to say "DANSU!" again, and
>he says, "no...let's not say a word...LET'S DANCE!!!"
>It is really sweet, and I thought it was a wonderful episode, but when I 
>realized it was Seiko (and that I didn't even notice "Kimono Beat" the first
>time) I was stunned.
>This was the last first-run episode of the season. They will most likely be
>showing repeat episodes until September, so keep an eye out for it (real easy
>to spot as this is usually a half-hour show and this one was an hour long).
>"King Of The Hill" is one of the top-rated shows in the USA. I wonder how many
>hundreds of thousands of people...maybe even millions...watched this show 
>tonight and didn't know they were hearing Seiko (or don't know who Seiko is).
> more "collectors item" to drive you crazy until it is shown again!
>Best regards,