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Name: Mike from S.C.
Subject: Re: King of the Hill
Date: 2002/05/21 04:34:32
Reference: msg/02438
Hi Willie and all,
Seiko's credit in "King Of The Hill" was a "blink and you miss it" credit at
the end of the episode (as detailed in my original post). Part one's "guest
voice" was David "King Fu" Carradine...
Best regards,
Date:5/21/1998. Willie Vasana 's message
>I missed the "Returning Japanese" episode that Mike from S.C. found out when
>it was first aired on 5/12/02. The casts did not mention Seiko name. Oh, well.
>I will check the re-run date for this episode on Fox and will let you fans know.
>If you want to read the story on this episode or want to know more about what
>this show is all about, check this:
>Click on "Season 6 2001-2002" and scroll down to choose "Returning Japanese."
>P.S. Nothing on Seiko at CNN or Fox. Sorry, Shopgirl.