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Name: T i m
Subject: Re: A l l t o Y o u
Date: 2002/07/21 23:00:02
Reference: msg/02542
Dear Malina,
Domo Arigato Gozaimashita !
T i m
Seiko Fan from Singapore
Date:7/19/1998. Malina 's message
>Dear Tim
>Please refer to following tlanslation.
>Watashinomaeni totsuzen arawareta anata.
>>You suddently appeared in front of me.
>Subetewo kaetawa...
>>You have changed everything.
>Watashino atsui omoiwo tsutaetai.
>>I want you to know this passionate feeling.
>>You feel glad to lissen to me, don't you?
>This is just of the first paragraph.So so sexual words.
>If you have any question further, I am willing to tell.Pls don't hesitate.
>I love seiko fans as much as seiko herself !!!