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Name: koji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Get Serious guys!
Date: 2002/08/06 12:49:50
Reference: msg/02573


Get serious!  People in the U.S., do you guys believe 
everything in the tabloid (like Alien landed in Las Vegas)?  
Probably, not.  Is there any truth to it?  Most likely not.

I used to work at the Tokyo Disneyland.  When I was working there,
Alan was working as a dancer as well.  He was dating with guys, not 

Give Seiko a break!

Date:8/6/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Hi Shopgirl, Mike, Tim and all,
>I totally agree with what Shopgirl and Mike said and shared the same sad
>feeling as Tim and other fans may have.
>I wonder how come Seiko would dare to do this, putting her own career as well as Sayaka's on risk but just for keeping that man.
>I am lucky because I have a chance to go and see Seiko's concert in live
>this year though something bad happened and caused me must have to misss
>the last 3 shows in Budokan.  However, many other fans, especially those
>from overseas, who are still taking only bread and butter to save the money
>for next year's show, will definitely be sad and anxious about whether they
>can make it once in their live.  Their dream may never come true if that is
>the case!!
>Please.....please.....if Seiko can ever have a chance to see what your fans
>write and say, please give us a listen and rethink about what is really
>right to do.
>Siu Bee