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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko in Weekly Top 10 finally
Date: 2004/04/25 01:19:49
Reference: msg/03300

And I found Seiko's Best of Best 27 is rank no 2 in HMV Japan
this week.


Siu Bee

Date:4/21/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Dear Fans,
>As we are getting very excited on the new single,there's
>another piece of good news.  Seiko's 'Best of Best 13' is
>no. 8 on this week's CD album chart.  In the hit map
>section, it says it is Seiko's 38th Top 10 album and
>she ranks the 3rd in this category.  The top artist has
>41.  It is also her first top 10 CD since 'My Story'
>hit top 10 back in 1997.  Shall we do our own
>celebration on this :>  :>  :>
>Benjamin Lee