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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: oricon daily ranking-smile on me
Date: 2004/07/08 00:00:09
Reference: msg/03363

For HK Fans, I got the copy in Sino Centre and there are
still 2 copies in the store.  No. 14 is a satisfactory
position given the fact that there are 'tons' of new
singles released on 7/7.

what a coincident! 80s pop singers including Seiko,
Akina, Tahara Toshihiko as well as Anzenchitai are
releasing new singles on that day.  Along with other
'new' artists like Chemistry and Ken Hirai.  No.14 is
respectable position for sure.  And we don't 
know what's going to happen tomorrow.  Let's hope
for the best.  Ganbatte Seiko San.

Date:7/7/1998. Antony 's message 

>date: 7/6
>ranking: No.14(^^;