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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: SEIKO duets CD
Date: 2004/07/29 20:02:27
Reference: msg/03373


Is one of the two VCDs of Seiko bought by Siu Bee same as the one that you lend me?

Benjamin Lee

Dear all,

With Kenny Rogers and Barbara Streisend both released a Duets CD before, it is time for Seiko to release one with the following tracks:-

1) The Right Combination (w/ Donnie Warberg)
2) I'll be there for you (w/ Robbie Nevill)
3) True Love Story (w/ Go Hiromi)
4) B-side of True Love Story (w/ Go Hiromi)
5) Smile on Me (w/ Crazy T)
6) We are Love (w/ ?)
7) Time for Love (w/ ?)
8) December Morn (written by Richard Carpenter)
9) Christmas turned blue (written by Richard Carpenter)
last but not least
10) Twinkle Star, Shining Star (w/ Sayaka)

Did I miss any?

We look forward to another Top 10 CD of our Seiko San.

Benjamin Lee

 Date:7/29/1998. Margaret 's message 

>I found the magazine "LEE" with Seiko on the cover in Sogo bookshop
>yesterday.  But I didn't buy it because it costed HK$51.- (in 520 yen ??!!)
>After I watched the "Smile on me" MV several times, 
>I found that Seiko's voice (the background voice?) was too loud 
>which covered the music, anyway, I still really enjoyed Seiko singing in my
>television. ^_*
>Refer to the CD, I like Track 4, singing with Seiko only. heheheee
>Rainy day, happy day