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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Out of Print
Date: 2004/08/02 00:53:19
Reference: msg/03376

Dear Benjamin and all,

I do not know the first one but you are right for number 2 and 3,
i.e. Another side of Seiko 27 and Best of Best 27 both are no longer
available in the market except the 2nd hand shops (I bought my
BOB 27 from the 2nd hand shop in Japan).  They are limited edition la.

I was in Oriental 188 today, both these two limited edition CD packs
are available, but rather expensive; each at HK$450.


Siu Bee

Date:8/1/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Dear all,
>Can anyone answer?
>If you go to oricon and link to 'Jbook', and select
>Seiko's CD, the following appears:-
>1) Call Me - release 7/07/04 8cm single (not 12 cm)
>Anybody seen this small size single reissue?
>2) Another side of Seiko 14 (is AsoS 27 sold out?)
>3) Best of Best 13 (Is bob27 sold out?)
>Benjamin Lee