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Name: Margaret <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Super Great News first!!!!!!
Date: 2004/09/05 00:31:48
Reference: msg/03389


Thank you very much! ^_*


Date:9/4/1998. shopgirl 's message 

>Found at HMV's "latest release news" corner.
>"New single by Seiko to be  release in Nov. This song will be arranged by 
>Toriyama Yuji (yeeehah!) who had written for many many artistes. 
>The tune is a swing-pop."
>Why the celebration?
>It has been a long long time since any record shops would include Seiko in their
>news letters and/or news flash. It is also super-duper that we have someone else
>to do the arrangement for obvious reasons. I sure hope that this is a first step 
>towards having more writers and producers to work with Seiko on her songs, albums and
>stage performances. Toriyama's forte is really his fusion type of music. I never
>thought electronic sound could sound so cheap and empty till proven by HS. 
>If our fairy is still listening, I hope that Toriyama will use some "real"
>instruments for acoustic sounds to match with Seiko's vocals. At worst case,
>any thing so long as we won't have HS studios&instruments&music-taste in arrangement. 
>We had HS since 20th anniversary, I really want and looking forward
>to seeing a new face, new energy, real music from the next 25th year onwards.
>I am going out celebrating this weekend. burp! :p
>ps. tell more about the TV drama later