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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Vote for the 8th of the popular artist in Japan
Date: 2004/10/08 00:15:50
Reference: msg/03401

Dear Antony,

Sorry for late reply.  For your message, I think we must
get it.  I already got 2 other orders and waiting for 
Mr. M. to reply.  

Benjamin Lee

Date:10/7/1998. Antony 's message 

>Dear Siu Bee,
>Many thank you for your reply my question.
>Yes, I am from Taiwan, how about you?
>Regarding Seiko's latest book, I had already 
>to get it from HMV. I was content with this 
>book and would like to suggest you that you 
>make a decision to purchase it right away. 
>Don't dubious on the matter! Trust me!  
>Date:10/7/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>Hi Antony,
>>The book Benjamin mentioned is this one:
>>Are you from Taiwan?
>>Siu Bee