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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: vote seiko
Date: 2004/10/17 10:45:52
Reference: msg/03421

Dear Fans,

I just vote today.  We must win.


Benjamin Lee

Date:10/17/1998. vote seiko 's message 

>Dear Seiko Fans,
>There is a heated debate going on between Seiko and Akina fans
>on the voting site. Show your support, go vote for Seiko. 
>Go Seiko !!!
>If you do not read Japanese, the voting link 
>you will see a little yellow circle with the word 'UP' in it
>Not that line, not the one below, but the next one. You will see
>figure '8' on the line, and click on that line. Then scroll down
>to the bottom and click on the the characters with blue underline.  
>Then pick Seiko
>who is at No 2 right now. She is about 80 votes behind. Then click on 
>the rectangle below all the names people can vote  on(not the rectangle
>after the comments). Then it will take you to a new
>page where you need to enter first your name, and then
>your comments. Write whatever you want. Try not to
>be rude. Good luck. Good luck Seiko