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Name: Timothy <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko TV Drama
Date: 2004/11/30 10:46:56
Reference: msg/03454

Hi Siu Bee,

You are right, most of the songs is lip singing.
And the sound recording is very far . . must increase volume . .
maybe there is some problem with the recording . . 


Date:11/30/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

Hey Simon, you must have missed this out!
>BTW, it seemed in this live recording, the mouth movement and the voice
>did not really match...was that because of the recording problem or indeed
>Seiko was doing a match with the tape?
>I do not think Seiko needs to, but it sounds strange in the DVD!
>Best regards,
>Siu Bee
>>This is a MUST-SEE for all Seiko fan.
>>Good enough for an Oscar award. How come there
>>is no mention of the Sunshine concert DVD?