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Name: shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: 2005 Premium Live = Musical Seiko Night of Songs
Date: 2005/01/02 22:47:10

>Then at 11:45 pm, we had a power failure. 
>20th Party is my favourite Live performance.

Perhaps it was a "sign" that you should have played Zepp instead :p
It is amazing how each fan holds differently what their favourite is... and how
differently each interprets even one same event, live, song, show.

Those who were hoping for extravagent stage, costumes, etc would probably have
been a little disappointed. There was a good balance of good standard hits with minor songs. 
Now that I think of it, it was a very personal set of songs from Seiko and she 
had also took pains to introduce each song. That was really lovely
as it was much more personal. 

On Dec 31 2005, I experienced a magical (a word I have not used for a long long
time since 2000) musical Seiko. I will never trade it with any other live shows,
not even Seiko Call 1985, Seiko Land 1983, Zepp 2000. 

I dont think this magical moment can be captured on DVD, even if it was released.

shopgirl@ a Seiko fan reborn