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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Pocky Pocky!
Date: 2005/01/29 11:43:44
Reference: msg/03514

Wa...what a sweet memory for the good old days!
I have never watched the other CMs in Hong Kong.  Such indicated that
Seiko is indeed very popular (no doubt at all)  ;-)

Is that only the Japanese packings contain the cards?
May need to visit City S_p_r!

Good day!

Siu Bee

>Thank you so much Siu Bee.
>Don't you know I was siting in front of the TV to wait for Seiko's CM in '83
>when I was .....14 years old ???!!!
>I have been waiting for 3 days to record the full version.  Oh Oh
>Those were the days.
>"Today is full of sunshine because I have Pockey"