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Name: Yun <E-mail>
Subject: Re: 2/2 New single--- Breathtaking!!!!
Date: 2005/02/03 10:31:31
Reference: msg/03518

Dear shopgirl,

Thanks for the review. I have ordered the new single and cant wait to hear the
entire song.

You are right, in that Seiko music in the past 5 years has not been exactly 
inspiring. Some of them are actually quite forgettable (yes, even for big fans 
like myself).

I think some of us are hanging in there because we know that the best is yet 
to come and we are hopeful the best will be here soon.

In Singapore

PS How do I get tickets for Seiko summer concert... its my first time!!

Date:2/3/1998. shopgirl 's message 

>All music lovers,
>I don't recall when it was the last time I felt so excited over Seiko's new 
>song (single or album or live video etc). It must have been around 1999 that
>I had not been disappointed and actually gotten my energy level  
>This single is a piece of music, not pop sound. To compare this with Aitai is
>an insult. To compare it with Seiko's self produced music and with her 80's 
>music would be comparing apples to vegetables. 
>What we have here is Seiko at a new singing plateu. You got to hear it to know
>what I mean. Her singing approach was fine-tuned by Toriyama (as producer), but 
>as a progression from where we were left abruptly after self-produced Seiko era. 
>I dare say that this new single will be a very important representative piece
>(not in terms of sales, and by the way the CD cover and design is totally all
>wrong. Totally mistlead the actual contents) to Seiko's singing career. 
>When she leaves the living, I would picture this piece and this style as 
>representation of what she had blossomed to. 
>Thank to Yuji Toriyama for this wonderful piece of beautiful music, for
>bringing out and bringing back the best of Seiko vocal magic, for living to the
>true perfection of what a musician and producer is, for not compromising on 
>quality in his own music and expectations from Seiko.
>Thanks to Seiko for making such a strong comeback not in terms of visual impact
> but to what she said at the 2004 Premier Live that she wanted to do... going back 
>to her roots and love of singing, and making people want to listen to her sing.
>My hats off to both. 
>Buy this CD, if this is the last CD you have decided to buy of Seiko. 
>Forget about the last 5 years wasted investment. 
>This one is worth more than the price, even to a non-Seiko fan.
>Cheers to real instruments and orchestral sound (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra)