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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: 2005 Concert Tour - Calling Calling...25th Anniversary SOF Tour
Date: 2005/02/20 02:34:01
Reference: msg/03534

O.K., let's try for both.  Better start saving by eating my favorite,....
...peanut butter sandwiches.  :)

Sai Mui's Dai Lo

Date:2/17/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear Dai Lo,
>Both, if possible to get the tickets ;-)
>Dai Lo's Sai Mui
>>Sai Mui,
>>7/28 and 7/29 both are good for me.  :)
>>What day(s) work best for you?
>>Simon, what about you?
>>...and anyone else??.....