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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: University of Hawaii Library Rennovation
Date: 2005/03/24 00:53:45


The 1st floor of the library of the U. of Hawaii was destroyed
by flooding late last year.  The alumnis in HK organized a
charity dinner event 3 days ago.  You may remember Seiko
actually studied English in the U. of Hawai1 for a few weeks.

Just take this as a joke:-

Maybe I should ask Seiko Chan to make some donation.  
If she does, the library should be renamed as 'The Right
Library'.  2 special areas renamed as 'We are book worms
 (not we are love)'.  Another one called 'Dancing Floors', 
a special area where everybody can take a break by doing
some stretching in the library.
