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Name: shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Finally, an album that is truly Seiko's: "Fairy"
Date: 2005/04/06 08:59:28

I heard the ablum last night. I have waited five for this, a long because I 
almost gave up.Yuji Toriyama did a splendid job. He lived up to the expectation 
of a producer and an excellent one to give him full credit. 

Bottom line: he created an album bringing out (or actually bringing back) the 
singer Seiko. He created an album that is strictly for the singer to enhance 
her/his talents, and created the songs that only Seiko could sing. He has 
brought back the gifted singer Seiko that we heard of in the 80s/90s, and the 
energy and sparkle in her eyes and vocals that we saw in the 90s. 

The songs are very difficult to remember and to sing. Not a typical sweet candy
 pop album where you only need to listen to half a song and it stays (irritably) in your head forever. 

The variation is the arrangement is awesome. 

Buy it guys. You wont regret it. Introduce it to your friends because this is 
the "3rd chapter" of Seiko (as she herself had put it). 

If you have thought that the 90s ablum were good but just lacking in refinement,
If you were sick of simplistic melodies and repetitive arrangement, and cheap sounding instruments
If you enjoyed the complexity of the melodies of Eiensa Kanjitayoru 
If you had enjoyed the new vocals and energy of seiko since 12/31 Super Premier Live

This album is it..... and this year's concert is not to be missed.

Another good news is that I have found a fantastic new site where Seiko's music
 is the focus of the site. It is called Music Review and Opinions. Very very 
interesting and it is not a typical site where you can write nonsensical stuff 
like her hair, her looks, vote this vote that, etc.. it is a site where you are 
asked to share why you love music of Seiko. ie tell your "other" life history 
which involves Seiko.. and it is in English too. Check it out... If you can't, email me....

see ya there.