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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Finally, an album that is truly Seiko's: "Fairy"
Date: 2005/04/07 00:35:45
Reference: msg/03565

Can't wait to 'get' this CD tomorrow.  The fantastic arrangement
of the single cut is already a preview.  The music version
with the orchestra was great.  And the hard work already 
bear fruit with a strong top 10 debut in the daily CD chart
Ganbatte Seiko Chan!!

Date:4/6/1998. shopgirl 's message 

>I heard the ablum last night. I have waited five for this, a long because I 
>almost gave up.Yuji Toriyama did a splendid job. He lived up to the expectation 
>of a producer and an excellent one to give him full credit. 
>Bottom line: he created an album bringing out (or actually bringing back) the 
>singer Seiko. He created an album that is strictly for the singer to enhance 
>her/his talents, and created the songs that only Seiko could sing. He has 
>brought back the gifted singer Seiko that we heard of in the 80s/90s, and the 
>energy and sparkle in her eyes and vocals that we saw in the 90s. 
>The songs are very difficult to remember and to sing. Not a typical sweet candy
> pop album where you only need to listen to half a song and it stays (irritably) in your head forever. 
>The variation is the arrangement is awesome. 
>Buy it guys. You wont regret it. Introduce it to your friends because this is 
>the "3rd chapter" of Seiko (as she herself had put it). 
>If you have thought that the 90s ablum were good but just lacking in refinement,
>If you were sick of simplistic melodies and repetitive arrangement, and cheap sounding instruments
>If you enjoyed the complexity of the melodies of Eiensa Kanjitayoru 
>If you had enjoyed the new vocals and energy of seiko since 12/31 Super Premier Live
>This album is it..... and this year's concert is not to be missed.
>Another good news is that I have found a fantastic new site where Seiko's music
> is the focus of the site. It is called Music Review and Opinions. Very very 
>interesting and it is not a typical site where you can write nonsensical stuff 
>like her hair, her looks, vote this vote that, etc.. it is a site where you are 
>asked to share why you love music of Seiko. ie tell your "other" life history 
>which involves Seiko.. and it is in English too. Check it out... If you can't, email me....
>see ya there.