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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Date: 2005/04/09 02:17:58
Reference: msg/03568

Dear Fans,

Ranking is important, but more important is that I've
been listening to this CD continously (except work hours)
in the past 28 hours!!  Yes, it is better than 'Sunshine'.

Yes, we can finally forgot about the 'not-so-good' years
with 'hits?' like such as 'Ai Ai Ai'.  

In this CD, track 1,3,6.10 and 11
are just 'super'.  Track no.2, the single cut is
performed 'Royal Philharmonic Orchestra!

The package, design, matching of colors of every photo....
Everything is great.

Other fans, like Mike in US and Tim in Singapore and 
others, we hope you will get it soon.

All in all.  A 'wonderful' CD.

Benjamin Lee