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Name: shopgirl <E-mail>
Date: 2005/04/09 02:59:37
Reference: msg/03569

Hi Benjamin... you are up late too.
You are right! this is a nice album vs what we have had so far the last few years.
(that is my personal likings and I do not mean to offend anyone who had indeed
enjoyed the ablums the last few years.)

For one thing I like that Seiko's own singing style is coming back. Although it 
still have some traces of the past... at least I do not need to strain my ears 
to filter off HS background loud singing, ... repetitive monotaneous arrangement and chords....  

In any case, this album is definitely not the best,.. but it is a welcome.
I have not heard her solo voice for too long already.... :)

I like the opening song, and the single is definitely one class above the rest.