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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Urgent advice: SM concert ticket
Date: 2005/04/28 10:59:43
Reference: msg/03602

Hi Yun,

Grab whatever tickets is available . .
Feel the atmosphere in the concert hall. 
This is my 3rd time to Seiko Concert. 
2001 - In Fukuoka (with Siu Bee 14th row)
2002 - In Osaka (with glen, 4th row)

If u wish to join us to future seiko concert, "CALL US" 
Best Regards

Date:4/28/1998. Yun 's message 

>Hi all,
>I am trying to get my friend in Tokyo to get me tickets for the tokyo concert 
>and she said all tickets are sold out already!!!
>She said there are only standing tickets left at 7000 yen... are these very 
>far from the stage?? Should I buy these standing ticket or shd I try another 
>date in another city??
>Thanks for advice.