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Name: Margaret <E-mail>
Subject: Re: SAYAKA retires from entertainment business
Date: 2005/05/22 02:06:43
Reference: msg/03621

Yes, I agree with U.  It may be a good step for her.

I think Sayaka might have a more easy way to be suceed if she is only
a singer.  
I still like her "Garden" really really much.
I won't forget the moment that I was "seriouly" crying when the first
time I watched she was singing "Even since" in Seiko's concert (thru TV).


Date:5/21/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>New from
>It says Seiko respects her decision. 
>In my opinion, the entertainment business
>must be so stressful that she really needs a break.
>It is also unfair to compare Seiko's success (not
>even one in one thousand) to her career.
>I think fans should respect her decision.