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Name: Yun <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Review?
Date: 2005/06/10 13:01:46
Reference: msg/03633

Thanks Shopgirl, I saw the list of songs...

Wow, I will get to hear aoi sangosho 'live'... I cant wait! Ah watashi no koi wa...


Date:6/9/1998. shopgirl 's message 

>hi Yun,
>I was afraid that the countdown miracle last year was a temporal fluke but I was
>wrong.... Seiko's vocal performance was in top shape and the band (Ogura Ryo) was
>simply super...  My love for "Performer Seiko" and the respect for Ogura band is back.
>selection of songs was very good and apt for a 25th anniversary.
>I wished the recording DVD was on the opening night. Seiko's vocal performance
>was just too fantastic for words.
>i will post my review at MR&O soon. :)