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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Biggest SOF gathering
Date: 2005/08/01 11:38:21

I just returned from the two most excellent concerts at the Budokan.
And I must say that Seiko's voice is at its peak, it's everything
coming together- confidence, voice , happiness. It was an amazing
experience, she even recognize Doogie and my presence. Well, she
couldn't help it, we were waving a Canada flag the size of a desk. 
She thanked us for coming all that way and acknowledged the Singapore,
HK and Taiwan fans as well. I met many others that contribute here 
as well. And of course Takachan, I have not had so much beer in a
long time.

All I can say is I went to heaven and saw the Fairy.

P.S.- Seiko even sang Sweet Memories, the first time I
hear my favourite song live.