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Name: Jia <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Teeth
Date: 2005/08/10 12:36:46
Reference: msg/03709

Just look at the way Simon is trying to defend our beloved Seiko...

Relax Simon I am merely commenting on her appearance and only revealing the truth.
Unlike the Japanese media I do not fabricate anything

Never call Seiko a woman....She's forever a "girl" :)
Eien no shojo....hehe

Date:8/10/1998. Simon 's message 

>What are you suggesting? That Seiko had plastic had some
>cosmetic work done? Yes, her teeth are changed because for
>a singer to have those uneven Japanese teeth would not be
>appropriate, especially not Seiko's status. But the rest 
>of her is untouched, she had great features to begin with.
>It's just that when we get older, our body changes, it's
>natural. I think she looks better now as she's a woman. In
>the 80's, she was a girl. A very cute girl I must say.
>I used to have a six-pack stomach muscle when I was young,
>now all I have is one big round pack. I am not aging
>gracefully. I think I am the one that need some cosmetic
>work done.