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Name: Jia <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Please!!
Date: 2005/08/16 17:54:30
Reference: msg/03722

I have been saying tons of great stuff about Seiko till someone started to get personal.

Simon I know this is a forum for Seiko fans and I have been talking ONLY on Seiko's music till someone started the war on the forum.  That person has apologized to me and I was really touched by it, unlike the webmaster who has decided to cancel my message.  

What was the reason webhead? That I reveal too much about the past?
Hiding it or "cancel it" will not make it go away.

As for you Simon my suggestion to you would be -
"It was never your business anyway so stay out of it.
Go listen to some Seiko stuff and chill yourself out."

Date:8/16/1998. Simon 's message 

>This is amazing Jia because you seem to know how much
>history I know, what I read and watch. And you probably
>had coffee with my grandparents. I wouldn't need to read 
>my horoscope anymore, I can just ask you.
>I have been on this forum for a long time, thanks to
>you, it has turned into a racial political rambling.
>If you want to vent about the WWII, there are other
>web sites. If you want to talk Seiko, this is the Best
>place on the internet, and you are welcome here. Let's
>just try to keep the subject on Seiko music. This is a
>place for fun and happiness, and maybe a little karaoke
>wouldn't hurt. If I want to read about wars, I can just
>read the newspaper, don't need to trouble you.