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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Funny
Date: 2005/08/16 19:38:05

Not my business? You dedicated an entire posting on
me and my grandparents and it's none of my business?
On one side of your mouth you talk about peace and 
out of the other side in your own words

"You want a war, you shall have it"
And insult an entire race using the J word.
You are a creature of contradictory. The type that
goes to peace demonstration and then start a riot.

I am going to listen to the advice from others and
just ignore you. I just didn't like the J word that
you use, that got me started. Now you just insulted
our webmaster, remember you are Takachan's guest here.

Oh well, life goes on. I have seen many people like
you, very sad indeed. You are right, I'll go chill out
and maybe karaoke to some Seiko music. You can live in
the past and maybe go read some more history books.

Enough said about you, I am not wasting my time anymore.