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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko's hits in Beijing
Date: 2005/09/06 00:23:27
Reference: msg/03756

Date:9/3/1998. Antony 's message 


Ganbatte Seiko in Taiwan.

And Seiko is equally strong in Beijing.
PartyWorld 'Chien (Money) Quai (box)' is a big
chain and I went there last week.  Besides
Mandarin and Cantonese, there are selected 
Japanese Singers' Karaoke his available.
There is about 15 each of group, female and male. 
Seiko has over 20 songs available.  What
about Seiko's biggest competitor in the 80s?
(I am sure everybody knows who...), she is
not even on the list.  :>