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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's hits in Beijing
Date: 2005/09/06 13:13:32
Reference: msg/03757


Date:9/6/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Date:9/3/1998. Antony 's message 
>Ganbatte Seiko in Taiwan.
>And Seiko is equally strong in Beijing.
>PartyWorld 'Chien (Money) Quai (box)' is a big
>chain and I went there last week.  Besides
>Mandarin and Cantonese, there are selected 
>Japanese Singers' Karaoke his available.
>There is about 15 each of group, female and male. 
>Seiko has over 20 songs available.  What
>about Seiko's biggest competitor in the 80s?
>(I am sure everybody knows who...), she is
>not even on the list.  :>