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Name: Jia <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Chinese Album...
Date: 2005/09/15 13:50:35
Reference: msg/03763

Sure the chinese market can be huge but most of it will end up in the hands of the mainland chinese pirates

Sony Japan ain't idiots...they have better chance of getting more revenue from Taiwan than the "People's Republic of China"

let me give you a hint as to why Seiko released a "Taiwan only" mandarin album...

Taiwan is the biggest market for Seiko outside Japan (and Seiko loves Taiwan as well)

Date:9/14/1998. Yun 's message 

>Hi Shopgirl and others,
>I just got the chinese album... let's just say I give 10 points out of 10 for 
>effort!! That voice is still incredible nonetheless, despite the less than 
>satisfactory pronounciation...
>Actually, I kind of expected it (from the preview in budokan), so I look at 
>the lyrics first and again when I listen to the songs... much easier to 
>understand. I must say the chinese lyrics are quite well-written, with the 
>gist of the originals intact.
>I guess it is like listening to Sound of my Heart back in 1985, it took some
>getting used to... Hopefully she will continue to improve and you know, the 
>chinese market has huge potentials.