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Name: Willie <E-mail>
Subject: I'll Fall in Love (Taiwan Limited Edition)
Date: 2005/11/06 15:48:34

Hi all,

I just got this in today (it's hard to find Seiko's album in Florida let alone the overseas limited edition) and have to say that Seiko did a pretty good job on the 4 Mandarin version hits. I got to admit it tickles me when I heard her in Mandarin the first time around but what's not to like. It's her voice that makes her fans "fall in love" with her all over again (I can't help but wonder what she will sound like if she were to cross over to sing in Thai--my mother tongue) She has done it in English and now again in Mandarin. See album cover:

Oh, anybody knows anything about her latest album with title yet to be determined due out on December 7, 2005? I saw it at: